DMCA Policy

This policy pertains to the website (referred to as the "Website" or "Service") and its associated products and services (collectively, the "Services"). It outlines how we handle copyright infringement notifications in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 ("DMCA").

Protection of intellectual property is a priority for us, and we ask our users and their authorized representatives to uphold the same standards. We commit to promptly addressing clear notifications of alleged copyright infringement that adhere to the DMCA.

Before submitting a copyright complaint, please ensure that you are certain the material in question infringes upon your rights. If you're unsure, seeking legal advice beforehand is recommended.

We may, as required by law or at our discretion, share your notification or counter-notification with relevant third parties. This may include sharing information with the account holder engaged in the alleged infringement or for publication purposes. If privacy concerns arise, you may consider hiring a representative to handle the reporting process on your behalf.

Copyright Infringement Notifications

If you're a copyright owner or authorized agent and believe that material available on our Services infringes your copyrights, you can submit a written copyright infringement notification ("Notification") following the DMCA guidelines. These Notifications must meet DMCA requirements. Utilizing a DMCA takedown notice generator or similar services can assist in ensuring compliance.

Submitting a DMCA complaint initiates a predefined legal process. Your complaint will undergo review for accuracy, validity, and completeness. If it meets these criteria, our response may involve removing or restricting access to the allegedly infringing material and permanently terminating repeat infringers' accounts.

Should we take action in response to an infringement Notification by removing material or restricting access, we'll make reasonable efforts to notify the affected user. This notification may include a full copy of your Notification (including your contact details) and instructions for filing a counter-notification.

However, the Operator reserves the right to take no action if a DMCA copyright infringement notification fails to comply with all DMCA requirements.


Users who receive a copyright infringement Notification may file a counter-notification in accordance with sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the US Copyright Act. If material described in the Notification has been removed from our Services or access restricted, please carefully review the Notification and provide a written communication compliant with DMCA requirements to file a counter-notification.

If unsure about whether material infringes others' copyrights or if removal or restriction occurred in error, seeking legal counsel before filing a counter-notification is advisable.

Nonetheless, the Operator reserves the right to take no action upon receipt of a counter-notification. If a compliant counter-notification is received, we may forward it to the original Notification filer.

This Policy does not limit our ability to pursue other remedies to address suspected infringement.

Changes and Amendments

We retain the right to modify this Policy or its terms regarding the Website and Services at our discretion. Any changes will be reflected in the updated date at the bottom of this page, with a notification posted on the Website's main page. We may also provide notice through other means, such as contacting you via provided contact information.

An updated Policy becomes effective immediately upon posting unless otherwise specified. Your continued use of the Website and Services after the effective date of the revised Policy constitutes consent to the changes.

Reporting Copyright Infringement

To report infringing material or activity, please contact us using the details below:


Last Updated: April 27, 2024