Community Guidelines

The Subify+ Community

  • At Subify+, we aspire to cultivate a vibrant community where Users can freely express themselves and engage in open discussions on diverse topics. Our platform serves as a canvas for showcasing creativity in all its forms, fostering an environment of respect, honesty, and fairness among all participants.
  • These Community Guidelines outline the expected standards of conduct for utilizing any of our Services. They apply universally to all services offered through our platform. By engaging with the platform, you agree to adhere to both the explicit and implicit principles outlined in these guidelines.
  • We retain the right to amend these Community Guidelines at our discretion, without prior notice. Any modifications will take effect upon your next use of the platform. New rules may be presented to you during your next interaction with the platform, and your acceptance may be required to proceed. It is your responsibility to stay informed about any updates to these guidelines before using the platform.

Content Guidelines

Users are required to ensure that any User Content they upload to the platform complies with all applicable legal requirements and that they possess the necessary rights to do so.

User Content must not:

  • Violate the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party, including fellow Users.
  • Contravene the laws of the jurisdiction from which the User is accessing the platform.
  • Incite or encourage unlawful activity or behavior in any jurisdiction.
  • Replicate or repost any User Content that has been previously flagged for breaching Community Guidelines or any other terms of service.

Hate Speech

The Subify+ community is built on principles of respect and inclusivity. Harassment, hate speech, or discrimination of any kind is strictly prohibited. While open dialogue is encouraged, it must be conducted in a manner that respects the dignity and rights of all individuals.

  • While we value freedom of expression, any speech that promotes or incites hatred toward specific groups based on ethnic, religious, gender, or other identifying characteristics is not tolerated.
  • Users must refrain from posting or uploading content that contains hateful rhetoric or encourages violence or exclusion against any group.

Terrorism and Extremism

  • The platform prohibits content that glorifies or promotes terrorism or extremist ideologies in any form.

Non-Consensual and Unsolicited Sexual Material

  • Content depicting sexual activity without the full consent of all participants is strictly prohibited.
  • Users must refrain from sending sexually explicit material to other Users without their explicit consent.

AI-Generated Media

Subify+ encourages innovative use of AI-generated media while ensuring the safety and integrity of our community. Specific guidelines govern the upload, posting, and sharing of such content.

  • Disclosure: Users must transparently disclose the use of AI-generated media to other community members. Failure to disclose may result in content removal or account suspension.
  • Nature: AI-generated media must not be used to deceive or harm others.
  • Moderation: All AI-generated content undergoes scrutiny by our moderation team to ensure compliance with guidelines.
  • Age and Appearance: AI-generated media must not depict individuals without their consent or resemble individuals under 18.
  • Compliance: AI-generated content must adhere to all community guidelines, including respect for others and avoidance of harassment or hate speech.
  • Copyright: Users are responsible for ensuring that AI-generated content does not infringe on copyright or ownership rights.

Explicit Content

  • While sexually explicit or violent content is permitted with appropriate labeling, Users must ensure it is not accessible to individuals under 18.
  • Content depicting anyone under 18 in explicit scenarios is strictly prohibited.

Private Information

  • Users must respect the privacy of others and refrain from disclosing personal information without consent.


  • Impersonating others with the intent to mislead is prohibited. Parody or comedic use of the platform is acceptable if clearly labeled.

Unlawful Activity

  • Users must not engage in unlawful activities or solicit unlawful behavior through the platform.

We reserve the right to assess whether User Content violates these restrictions. While user input is considered, our decision is final.

While we may remove or edit content as necessary, Users are ultimately responsible for their contributions. We do not accept liability for User-generated content.

User Behavior Guidelines

As a condition of using our Services, you agree:

  • Not to submit or transmit material that violates these Community Guidelines.
  • Not to use the platform for unlawful purposes or engage in fraudulent or malicious behavior.
  • Not to infringe on the rights of others in relation to your use of the platform.

In conclusion, adherence to community guidelines is vital for maintaining a safe and inclusive environment where all members can thrive. By upholding these principles, we can ensure that Subify+ remains a welcoming community for all.